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Managing your Piku apps

To make life easier you can also install the piku helper into your path (e.g. ~/bin):

curl > ~/bin/piku && chmod 755 ~/bin/piku

This shell script simplifies working with multiple piku remotes and applications:

  • If you cd into a project folder that has a git remote called piku the helper will infer the remote server and app name and use them automatically:
$ piku logs
$ piku config:set MYVAR=12
$ piku stop
$ piku deploy
$ piku destroy
$ piku # <- show available remote and local commands
  • If you are starting a new project, piku init will download example Procfile and ENV files into the current folder:
$ piku init
Wrote ./ENV file.
Wrote ./Procfile.
  • The piku helper also lets you pass settings to the underlying SSH command: -t to run interactive commands remotely, and -A to proxy authentication credentials in order to do remote git pulls.

For instance, here's how to use the -t flag to obtain a bash shell in the app directory of one of your piku apps:

$ piku -t run bash
Piku remote operator.
App: dashboard

piku@piku:~/.piku/apps/dashboard$ ls
data  ENV  index.html  package.json  package-lock.json  Procfile  server.wisp


Besides using the logs command, there is a sample monitoring application to keep tabs on resource usage.